Artist Statement

Artist Statement

My painting practice morphs between two and three dimensions across a variety of surfaces. Representation moves between the illusionistic possibilities of paint and immersion in its material quality exploring imagination and transcendence in a theatrical installation of wall hung works on traditional surfaces and three-dimensional prop like pieces. Recurring visual motifs of gesturing hands, spellbound figures, and presentation of sublime spaces contemplate the mysteries of existence. Figures and settings that appear within the work are informed by a mix of historical and contemporary references.

My artistic process is centred on creating a psychic space where the real and imagined overspill into each other and processes of identification are laid bare. I am attentive to the materiality and performativity of painting as it seeps through image construction working its own materialistic expression into my observations of the slippage between substance and form. In the present moment where digital images circulate from one form into another, my painting practice attends to structural transitions; between the real and the photographed, the digitally constructed and the imagined and reflects on how the human intervention through painting becomes materialised and embedded in the image construct.